On May 30th 2023, Miriam Mazou was invited by RTS TV to speak on the 19h30 about sanctions against climate activists, in light of current events on this subject.En savoir plus
On 30 September, a one-page interview with Miriam Mazou appeared in a supplement to the daily newspapers “24 Heures” and “La Tribune de Genève” devoted to women. In this interview, Miriam Mazou shares her experience as a woman lawyer, talks about her career and how she manages to reconcile her professional and family life. You...En savoir plus
On 16 June 2022, Miriam Mazou was quoted in an article in «L’Illustré» on the scourge of obsessive harassment. She notes that the fact that stalking is not an offence is problematic. Read the articleEn savoir plus
RTS la 1ère – Forum On 7 June 2022, Miriam Mazou was invited by RTS to take part in a debate on a draft amendment to the penal code concerning violence against the police.En savoir plus
On 25 May, Miriam Mazou was interviewed in a thematic supplement “Focus Droit 2022” published in the magazine «Bilan». She gives her expertise on the new trends in her field of activity (i.e. criminal defence). She talks about private corruption and money laundering. Read the articleEn savoir plus
On 26 January 2022, Miriam Mazou was quoted in a lengthy investigation by L’Illustré magazine on cyberbullying. Racist, misogynistic, homophobic insults or death threats, the psychological consequences of hateful messages sent by trolls on the internet are alarming. When will we see convictions for cyberbullying in Switzerland? Miriam Mazou brought her expertise. Read the articleEn savoir plus
On 23 January 2022, Miriam Mazou was summoned by journalist Sylvain Besson as part of his major investigation into an extraordinary affair in which several personalities were deceived by someone they thought was a financial genius. According to the journalist, Fabien Gaglio “sank” the Hottinger bank. The article appeared in “Le Matin Dimanche” and on...En savoir plus
RTS la 1ère – Forum | On 14th December, Miriam Mazou was invited by the swiss national radio RTS to participate in a debate on international legal aid issues raised by the recent decision of the British High Court of Justice in favour of the extradition of Julian Assange.En savoir plus
RTS la 1ère – Forum | Le 27 septembre, Miriam Mazou a été invitée par la RTS à s’exprimer sur l’initiative «Le vittime di agressioni non devono pagare i costi della legitima difesa» (Les victimes d’agression ne doivent pas payer les coûts de leur légitime défense) qui a été approuvée au Tessin par 52,4% des voix.En savoir plus
RTS la 1ère – Forum | Débat entre Miriam Mazou, avocate et chargée de cours à l’Université de Lausanne, Vincent Maitre, avocat et conseiller national (PDC/GE), et Bertil Cottier, professeur honoraire à l’Université de Lausanne, spécialiste du droit des médias et de la communication.En savoir plus