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What repression for cyber violations of sexual integrity: revenge porn, (cyber) harassment, sextortion, grooming

This publication, based on the presentation given by Miriam Mazou and Charlotte Iselin at the colloquium organised by the Centre for Criminal Law, the Foundation for Continuing Education of Swiss Judges and CEDIDAC in September 2021 at the University of Lausanne, focuses on the ability, or otherwise, of current criminal law provisions to deal with new forms of sexual offences.

Quelle répression pour les cyber-atteintes à l’intégrité sexuelle: revenge porn, (cyber) harassment, sextorsion, grooming, in Camille Perrier Depeursinge/Nathalie Dongois (editors), infractions contre l’intégrité sexuelle, Stämpfli Editions 2022, in collaboration with Charlotte Iselin

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